G20’s youth-engagement group calls for global citizenship to address key challenges – Saudi Gazette

G20’s youth-engagement group calls for global citizenship to address key challenges – Saudi Gazette

Saudi Gazette report

RIYADH “” The members of the Y20, the official youth engagement group of the G20, underlined the need for global citizenship in order to address major problems facing the world during their third virtual working group meeting on Tuesday.

The meeting, which brought together delegates from G20 nations, international organizations and guest countries, was held in preparation for the Y20 summit of young people to be held in Riyadh in October this year.The summit is being organized by the Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdul Aziz Foundation (MiSK) in cooperation with the King Abdul Aziz Center for World Culture (Ithra).The objectives of the group are to establish global citizenship policy interventions for possible consideration by the G20, and showcase the Y20 engagement group's efforts on global citizenship.Othman Almoamar, the chair of the Y20 Engagement Group, opened the session by highlighting the relevance of the policy interventions and their "unique opportunity to affect change and create impact“ The importance of this work is reflected by the shared focus on global citizenship among various G20 engagement groups and the call by the United Nations for a "Decade of Action“ towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The meeting had two themes