Joy Studios to introduce a new generation of storytelling in Saudi Arabia

Joy Studios to introduce a new generation of storytelling in Saudi Arabia

Joy Studios is not merely in the business of entertainment; it’s in the pursuit of influencing the global narrative and shaping the impressionable minds of children. The impact of media is profound and by targeting their content to younger audiences, Joy Studios aims to nurture and educate. Through stories and characters that showcase diverse nationalities living, playing, and learning together in judgment-free harmony, they hope to impart lessons of empathy and communication.

Fabian Jude Martin and Elena Solina, founders, Joy Studios, said, "Our stories generate questions and dialogue. When children see a reflection of a world where differences are not just accepted but celebrated, they learn the power of communication to bridge gaps and heal wounds."

Speaking at length about their expansion plans, they said, “In terms of expansion, Dubai was always on our radar. After gaining huge success here we plan to foray into Saudi in January 2024. In the heart of every animation Joy Studios creates lies a commitment to encourage young viewers to engage with meaningful issues. By fostering understanding and dialogue through its content, the studio is determined to empower the next generation to be the pioneers of change.”

As Joy Studios gears up for the