KAUST Academy building on its successes: Carin – Saudi Gazette

KAUST Academy building on its successes: Carin – Saudi Gazette

By Ali Makki

THUWAL — The King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) in Thuwal, north of Jeddah, has recently launched KAUST Academy with the aim of providing a continuous learning environment in Saudi Arabia.

As an enabler of innovations in higher education, the Academy supports Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 in achieving world-class excellence in blended learning, especially in the areas of artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Commenting about the inception and mission of the Academy, KAUST Provost Lawrence Carin said, “The KAUST Academy is a first for us in several ways.

“It is bringing the best of KAUST to people around the Kingdom, delivering education in a very accessible way that allows participants to develop the skills required to be competitive in work and in higher education.”

In an interview with Saudi Gazette, the Provost said the Academy has so far achieved the desired success with its current initiatives. It is now building on this success with a growing portfolio of STEM-based course offerings and training designed to boost the labor market in the country, he added.

The full text of the interview follows:

Q: In the past few months, you launched the KAUST Academy, whose mission is to provide continuous learning initiatives to