KAUST Commencement 2022 looks to a bright future – Saudi Gazette

KAUST Commencement 2022 looks to a bright future – Saudi Gazette

THUWAL — King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) celebrated its 13th Commencement on a cool, breezy Friday evening, among approximately 380 graduating students and a full audience of supportive families, university community members and distinguished guests.

The event took place at Discovery Walk at the center of the University “Spine” — the outdoor corridor that runs the length of the academic campus. Those unable to attend in person could watch the livestream event online — also available for post commencement viewing.

The ceremonial procession began the evening’s fanfare, with the graduates wearing regalia according to degree — dark green robes worn by doctoral graduates, and black gowns by master’s students, with colorful vestments based on affiliated division. The audience rose while the Saudi national anthem played, and sat in silent respect during the recitation of the Qur’an.

Provost Larry Carin warmly welcomed everyone to the event, introducing KAUST President Tony Chan to the stage. The President’s address invited graduating students to ponder “a world we would like to live in,” with a titled talk centered on the theme of applying one’s talent in the world, with a plea that their service help shape a better future.

“The youth intelligentsia is the point