OIC Secretary-General discusses with IUT Vice Chancellor ongoing efforts to enhance international partnerships

OIC Secretary-General discusses with IUT Vice Chancellor ongoing efforts to enhance international partnerships

Jeddah: The Vice Chancellor of the Islamic University of Technology (IUT), Prof. Dr. Mohammad Rafiqul Islam called on H. E. Mr. Hissein Ibrahim Taha, OIC Secretary-General. The two dignitaries discussed mutual collaboration and ways of strengthening the academic performance of IUT.

During the meeting, H. E. the Secretary-General emphasized the need for the University to foster academic excellence, research, and cultural understanding. He particularly stressed the importance of bringing more international students to the University, particularly from the least developed countries of the OIC.

The OIC Secretary-General appreciated IUT’s dedication to promoting educational advancements and its inclusive approach.

The Vice-Chancellor assured the Secretary-General that all efforts will be made to explore avenues for increased cooperation in fields such as science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as social sciences with other OIC universities. Dr. Rafiqul Islam highlighted the university's ongoing efforts to enhance international partnerships and create opportunities for students and faculty to engage in collaborative projects on a global scale. The OIC Secretary-General commended these initiatives and expressed enthusiasm for the future success of IUT.

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