Pioneering Pakistani businesswoman transforms special needs care in Saudi Arabia with groundbreaking learning center

Pioneering Pakistani businesswoman transforms special needs care in Saudi Arabia with groundbreaking learning center

In the heart of Saudi Arabia, a pioneering initiative is unfolding, led by an extraordinary Pakistani businesswoman, Faiza Abdulaziz.As the CEO and founder of the Independent Learning Center (ILC), Abdulaziz is revolutionizing the landscape of services for children with special needs, embodying a story of resilience, innovation, and unwavering commitment to inclusivity.Abdulaziz's journey began in 2007, with a humble role at a facility serving impaired children. Her experience there, coupled with her own challenges as a Pakistani expatriate in Saudi Arabia, illuminated the acute needs of special needs children within the expatriate community.High costs, language barriers, and cultural differences made access to necessary therapies and support nearly impossible for many families.Moved by their plight, Abdulaziz initiated evening training sessions in 2010, offering affordable care and laying the groundwork for what would become the ILC in 2013.The creation of ILC was a direct response to the myriad challenges faced by special needs children and their families.Abdulaziz's personal journey as an expatriate and a woman in a traditionally male-dominated society fueled her determination to bridge the gap in services.The recent societal transformations under Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030, particularly the easing of restrictions on foreign entrepreneurs, have been instrumental in ILC's establishment and