Qimam Fellowship launches 2022 applications for Saudi Arabia’s university students

Qimam Fellowship launches 2022 applications for Saudi Arabia’s university students

The Qimam Fellowship has officially launched its fifth edition and has opened applications for Saudi Arabia’s university students to join the 2022 program.The top-ranking leadership development program aims to nurture the Kingdom’s young talent.For the latest headlines, follow our Google News channel online or via the app.There were a record number of applications last year, with over 19,000 students applying to the program, despite the COVID-19 pandemic.Qimam fellows benefitted from world-class mentorship from leading experts in various fields while virtually networking with their peers and high-ranking officials. The program allowed them to keep pace with global developments in the labor market and ensured they were maximising their education and career potential.“Every person experiences unforgettable moments in their lives, and one of the most prominent moments for me was the Qimam Fellowship program. Qimam was exceptional in all its details. That is why Qimam was and continues to be superior to other programs at the regional level,” Abdulaziz Alogyel, class of 2021, said.

Another student from class of 20201 said the program was not what he originally thought it would be.“Before joining Qimam, I thought the program would be a chance for me to gain knowledge and create relationships that come to