Saudi Arabia introduces space into secondary school curricula

Saudi Arabia introduces space into secondary school curricula

Cairo: Saudi Arabia’s Education Ministry has decided to teach earth and space sciences as part of the secondary school curricula in the kingdom starting from the next academic year. The step comes as two Saudi astronauts completed a 10-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS). The decision to teach the earth and space sciences aims to promote “students’ positive attitudes” towards space science in line with the best international practices related to curricula, and scientific and national criteria, the ministry said. “The book on the earth and space sciences will enable students to develop their abilities in nature and applied sciences at the secondary school stage,” the ministry added in a statement. The new syllabus contains an introduction to the earth and space, exploration of relationship among the earth, air, space, water and living organisms as well as linking important natural phenomena such as solar and lunar eclipses, and moon phases. The ministry said the introduction of the new subject is part of its “keenness to cope with aspirations and future objectives” aimed to qualify internationally competitive citizens by upgrading learning outputs to keep abreast of world changes, future requirements and labour market needs. Saudi biomedical scientist Rayyanah Barnawi