Saudi Arabia: Schools have no right to force parents to buy uniforms from specific store

Saudi Arabia: Schools have no right to force parents to buy uniforms from specific store

Dubai: With the new academic year approaching, Saudi Arabia’s Consumer Protection Association (CPA) has stressed that schools have no right to force parents to purchase students’uniforms from a specific store. According to CPA statement, school has the right only to provide parents with the design and colour of the uniform, stressing that parents have the right to purchase the uniform from any store that suits them. The CPA also said that it had monitored a parent’s complaint against a school, which was forcing students’ parents to buy school uniforms at a specific store and at a high price. The association called on parents to file a complaint through the Consumer Service Centre if they notice any such practices by schools. Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Education has also announced it is going to merge the Holy Quran and Islamic studies in elementary and middle schools into one subject “The Holy Quran and Islamic Studies”. The ministry said it has been decided to reduce the new subject’s lessons from 34 weekly classes in the intermediate level to 15, while reducing it in the elementary stage from 38 classes to 30. Schools in Saudi Arabia will reopen on August 28 after the summer