UAE-based US expat turns passion for educating students into a career guidance business

  • Date: 13-Jun-2022
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

UAE-based US expat turns passion for educating students into a career guidance business

'You learn entrepreneurship skills by doing things practically; although excellent resources exist, they will only give you insights,' said Peter Davos, 43, a US expat who has lived in Dubai for over a decade. He recalled his growing years when he obtained the best education and life skills from observing and working with his father, a self-made entrepreneur. "My father was a lifelong entrepreneur, and I learnt money management, innovation, risk-taking, and persistence from him. He taught me that you could achieve anything with hard work and vision. Everything I learned through the formal study was all secondary." His father had told him that because no one owes his anything, so he had to earn his way through his growing years. He worked from shovelling snow in the neighbourhood after a snowstorm with his friends in the US city of Boston to selling magazine subscriptions door to door. He also worked at a video store, coffee shop, on-campus restaurant, and bookstore at the university, and later in real estate development and brokerage offices. "I was also taught the importance of interpersonal skills and how to deal with and communicate with people." He said, "Always remember the people that helped you