Coronavirus: What schools should be doing for students and their parents – The National

  • Date: 15-Apr-2020
  • Source: The National
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Coronavirus: What schools should be doing for students and their parents – The National

Coronavirus: What schools should be doing for students and their parents. It was only at the beginning of last month that the UAE's schools went on early spring break .. Schools were asked to provide an initial two weeks of distance learning once the holidays ended and at the end of that trial period, the Ministry of Education announced that classes would continue to be delivered remotely until the end of the academic year .. It is an interesting and challenging moment for schoolchildren, parents and teachers.. But it is also not surprising that the drums of discontent began beating over fee payments for private schools soon after it was announced that distance learning was to continue until the end of the summer term.. Many parents feel that the fundamentals of their contract with schools have radically changed over the past month, quite apart from possible reductions in family incomes , which is why there has been pushback where administrators say they will not reduce fees or have only made small concessions.. The reality is that schools currently provide a different service to the one that they offered at the start of the