Dubai student designs sustainable bags from recycled fabrics

  • Date: 24-May-2024
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Dubai student designs sustainable bags from recycled fabrics

The designs on the bags are created by Ruhaan himself, using his artistic talents and interest to combine pop art figures in a unique method, reflecting his personal artistic influence while promoting environmental responsibility.

Artisacs bags are designed with sustainability at their core. This approach not only reduces waste but also highlights the importance of reusing materials that would otherwise contribute to environmental pollution. The bags serve as a symbol of the commitment to sustainability and inspire others to consider eco-friendly alternatives in their daily lives.

In a recent event, Ruhaan proudly presented the sustainable tote bags at Comic Quest Dubai, supporting environmental requirements and the creative initiative. The bags, with their unique designs, showcased the blend of art and sustainability, reinforcing Dubai’s commitment to a no-plastic future and inspiring the community towards eco-friendly practices.

By integrating creative drawing with environmental consciousness, Artisacs not only supports the local community but also contributes to the broader goal of making Dubai a leader in sustainable living.

Dubai student designs sustainable bags from recycled fabrics