Meet a Dubai student who has won gold in open water swimming competitions

  • Date: 18-Aug-2023
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Meet a Dubai student who has won gold in open water swimming competitions

A few of her other prominent open water accolades include first place in the King and Queen swim, and first place for two continuous years in La Mer 3.2 km swim and third place in the Thailand 10k Asian championship.

A Year 13 student at DIA, Emirates Hills, she asserts that Open Water is a sport in which you have no control over the conditions, instead, you compose yourself mentally for the swim. ‘The night before swims, I am usually nervous, but I always keep in mind that in 24 hours, it will be over, and I will feel great. In a sense, Open water is a very lonely sport as there is no team on stands cheering you on, or no lane lines or lights to illuminate the way; it is just you and the ocean and you have to be your own, pushing yourself to the finish line.’

Being an open water swimmer has taught Krithyaa how to quickly adapt to situations and find ways out of scenarios, even if it is uncomfortable or unsure. It has enabled her to be mentally strong to make good decisions, and helped her balance her daily life with school, extra classes, gym, daily