Meet a UAE student who has won medals in UAEJJF & International Jiu-Jitsu Championships

  • Date: 19-Aug-2023
  • Source: Gulf News
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Meet a UAE student who has won medals in UAEJJF & International Jiu-Jitsu Championships

Her first stint at International competition came in April 2019 at the Abu Dhabi World Youth Jiu-Jitsu Championship, where she secured a silver medal after a hard-fought match against a Kazakh national.

Though disappointed with second place, Hannah used the setback to fuel her determination and discipline in training. Since then, she has achieved remarkable success, winning 10 Gold, 1 Silver and 4 Bronze medals in various UAEJJF & International Jiu-Jitsu Championships, including the prestigious AJP Tours held in the UAE.

‘One of the skills an athlete should hone is mental focus,’ explains Hannah. ‘While training with a coach you can hear clear instructions and correct your mistakes. But at a tournament with hundreds of people, escalating noise levels and many matches taking place simultaneously, you really must keep your focus.’ She also emphasizes on the importance of staying hydrated, maintaining composure, and remaining mentally strong throughout the competition.

She devotes at least three hours a day to training, intensifying her efforts as competitions approach. At TND she trains mainly with Coach Ricky Vibhudutta Rout, India’s first Black Belt in Jiu-Jitsu.

Beyond the accolades and victories, Hannah says Jiu-Jitsu has taught her valuable life lessons like discipline, diligence, determination, and self-confidence. The sport also