Ramadan 2023: Experts advise teens on managing stress amid fasting and exams

  • Date: 22-Mar-2023
  • Source: Al Arabiya
  • Sector:Education
  • Country:UAE
  • Who else needs to know?

Ramadan 2023: Experts advise teens on managing stress amid fasting and exams

As the holy month of Ramadan is set to begin on Thursday, doctors in the United Arab Emirates have advised Muslim teenagers on how to manage stress levels while fasting and undergoing school exams.

Ramadan is observed by more than 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide – with many of them being teenagers and young adults.

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This year, the holy month falls during a critical period in the school year where teenagers in the UAE are stepping up academic studies ahead of exams. Experts are warning this can pile extra pressure on youngsters as they fast from dawn until sunset as an act of devotion and spiritual reflection.

Dr Renuka Ramasamy, a specialist in family medicine at Dubai’s International Modern hospital, told Al Arabiya English: “As we all know we are very close to the holy Ramadan. It is a big challenge and stressful period for both [Muslim] adults and adolescents in high schools and universities.”

As teenagers keep up with their schedules including attending lectures, extra classes, and sports activities, “a disturbance in eating habits and sleeping pattern can induce more stress and mood disturbances during fasting,” the doctor added.

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