Egyptian Pound to be included within “Beni” platform for Arab payments – Egypttoday

Egyptian Pound to be included within “Beni” platform for Arab payments – Egypttoday

Egyptian Pound to be included within "Beni" platform for Arab payments. CAIRO - 23 March 2020: The Arab Monetary Fund, in cooperation with the Central Bank of Egypt, announced the inclusion of the Egyptian pound as a settlement currency used in the "Beni" platform for Arab payments.. The step comes in preparation for the launch of the "Beni" platform for Arab payments of the fund and the start of the process of joining central and commercial banks to the platform.. The "Bani" platform will provide clearing and settlement services for the Egyptian pound currency, along with the currencies of the US dollar, the euro, the UAE dirham, the Jordanian dinar, the Bahraini dinar, the Saudi riyal, and other international and Arab currencies that will be announced later.. The multi-currency platform will also provide clearing and settlement services in Arab and international currencies that meet eligibility requirements in order to clear inter-Arab financial transactions, as well as financial transactions between Arab countries and the main trading partners of the Arab countries..