BAB’s Seminar Tackles Implementation Law Challenges in Financial and Banking Sectors

BAB’s Seminar Tackles Implementation Law Challenges in Financial and Banking Sectors

The Bahrain Association of Banks (BAB), in partnership with Judicial & Legal Studies Institute, hosted a seminar titled “Implementation Law in Civil and Commercial Matters: Current Challenges Facing Financial and Banking Institutions.” The event brought together representatives from various government and private agencies, including the Supreme Judicial Council, the Ministry of Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments, the Ministry of Interior, the Public Prosecution, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Central Bank of Bahrain, the Survey and Land Registration Bureau, the Bahrain BAR Society, Mazad Company, members of BAB, and others concerned with the pertinent issues.Dr. Waheed Al Qassim, the CEO of the Bahrain Association of Banks, stated that the organization of this seminar aligns with the implementation of directives from His Excellency Nawaf bin Mohammed Al Maawda, Justice, Islamic Affairs and Endowments Minister. These efforts aim to facilitate meetings among authorities involved in the enhancement of litigation and enforcement procedures concerning financial and banking transactions. Given the pivotal role of this matter in the operations of Bahraini banks and financial institutions, particularly in the field of extending loans to individuals and companies, ensuring efficiency, and maintaining financial stability, the seminar underscored the significance of advanced legislation