Bahrain Bourse Launches 25th Edition of TradeQuest Program for High School and University Students

Bahrain Bourse Launches 25th Edition of TradeQuest Program for High School and University Students

Bahrain Bourse (BHB), a Licensed Exchange by the Central Bank of Bahrain, proudly announced the launch of the 25th edition of the TradeQuest Program for the academic year 2023-2024. This transformative initiative, designed for high school and university students, provides a hands-on experience of investment trading in financial markets. The kick-off event witnessed the enthusiastic participation of students and their respective school and university advisors, as well as investment advisors who play a pivotal role in guiding and mentoring the teams during the program.One of the program’s highlights is its competitive aspect, where teams engage in three trading periods, followed by presentations of their strategies, objectives and performance to a panel of judges at the conclusion of each trading period. The top three finalists from each category, totaling nine finalist teams, will be awarded a total of BD 30,000 in cash prizes.Shaikh Khalifa bin Ebrahim Al-Khalifa, CEO of Bahrain Bourse, stated, “TradeQuest is one of our flagship financial literacy programs, which aligns perfectly with one of the key pillars of our strategy that focuses on enhancing financial literacy. We are committed to fostering financial literacy, a key component of our ESG initiatives, in line with SDG Goal 10. The