Bahrain Polytechnic and Nasser Vocational Training Center sign MoU to exchange experiences in the field of Artificial Intelligence

Bahrain Polytechnic and Nasser Vocational Training Center sign MoU to exchange experiences in the field of Artificial Intelligence

Bahrain Polytechnic and the Nasser Vocational Training Center signed a memorandum of understanding in an aim to cooperate in the field of vocational and technological training, notably in artificial intelligence. The center aims to benefit from the expertise of the Polytechnic in this field in its quest to establish a modern and advanced center for research and development of artificial intelligence. The memorandum of understanding was signed by Bahrain Polytechnic's Acting CEO, Dr. Reem Albuainain, and by the Nasser Vocational Training Center's General Director, Dr. Abdullah AlNoaimi. The Nasser Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Centre aims to consolidate university academies and students AI researches and innovations in a centralize location with guidelines from expertise. This initiative will save cost of isles of laboratories, applications and individual efforts. Furthermore, researchers will be enabled to obtain various industry requirements by benefiting from their presence. In turn, Bahrain Polytechnic will commit to participate and use facilities in Nasser AI R&D Centre as its focal location for all its AI researches, innovations and projects for its students and academies. On this occasion, Dr. Albuainain expressed her delight at signing the memorandum of understanding with the Nasser Vocational Training Centre, stressing that this cooperation would