BKIS discloses its financial results for the year ended 31st December 2022 with a Historical record Revenue and Net Profit

BKIS discloses its financial results for the year ended 31st December 2022 with a Historical record Revenue and Net Profit

Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company B.S.C. (trading code in Bahrain Bourse “BKIC” and in Kuwait Bourse “BKIKWT”) announces its consolidated financial results for the financial year ended 31stDecember 2022 as follows:

The financial results for the 4th quarter ending 31′ December 2022

The consolidated results for the last three months ending 31stDecember 2022 registered a net profit attributable to the shareholders of BD 1.247 mio compared to a net profit of BD 0.904 mio during the same period of the previous year, reflecting a 38% increase. Earnings per share during the 4th quarter was 8 fils compared to 6 fils in the same period of the previous year. The total comprehensive income attributable to shareholders increased by 125% from BD 0.902 mio in 4thquarter 2021 to BD 2.032 mio in the same period of the current year.

The gross premium revenue increased by 11 % from BD 29.708 mio in the 4th quarter of 2021 to BD 33.084 mio in the same period of the current year. The underwriting profit decreased by 1%, from BD 1.442 mio in 2021 to BD 1.426 mio in the 4th quarter of the current year. The net investment income increased by 8%, from BD 0.354 mio in the