Football: Fans keyed up for Euro clash – Gulf Digital News

Football: Fans keyed up for Euro clash – Gulf Digital News

Football fans in Bahrain are eagerly awaiting the start of the Uefa Women’s Euro 2022 semi-final between England and Sweden which takes place in Sheffield tonight.

Clubs, sports lounges and cafes across the kingdom have been showing all the games live and excitement has reached fever pitch, especially amongst English fans, who are hoping to see their team win and go on to clinch their first-ever title in the final next Sunday.

“I think the level of interest in women’s football here in Bahrain has gone up in recent years,” Dilmun Club general manager, Stephen Chartres, told the GDN. “More people have stopped by to see the games this year than in the past and, I think, quite a few will be in attendance tomorrow as well.”

The British Club has also been showing the matches live with manager, Daniel McRae, saying the organisation was very supportive of women’s football.

“The club is doing its bit to support the women’s game by ensuring the games are screened live so that fans can watch them,” he told the GDN.

Interest in women’s football has soared worldwide in recent years. But this year’s Euro competition has seen spectator attendance and television viewership records for the competition easily