The CBB grants a funds administration licence to Crestbridge Funds Services WLL

The CBB grants a funds administration licence to Crestbridge Funds Services WLL

Crestbridge is celebrating 17 years in Bahrain. To accommodate its future growth plans, Crestbridge has restructured its Bahrain business, separating its trustee and fund administration businesses into separate, focussed business units, named Crestbridge Bahrain BSC and Crestbridge Funds Services W.L.L. respectively. Accordingly, Crestbridge has been granted a new fund administration licence by the Central Bank of Bahrain (CBB), to continue its fund administration work.

Crestbridge has administered funds and provided administration and operational governance services in Bahrain for 17 years, having acquired Ohad Trust in 2017. It offers fund administration and governance services to some of the largest and most well-known investment banks, asset managers, private equity firms, real estate investment firms and UHNW family offices in the Middle Eastern region. As a leading international provider of services to the alternatives sector Crestbridge works closely with law firms and other advisors to establish and administer a wide range of conventional and Shari’a compliant structures for GCC based clients which can be managed in the GCC time zone.

Bashar Bazian, Managing Director, Bahrain said: “The 17-year anniversary is a pivotal milestone for Crestbridge Bahrain as we have seen AUA (Assets Under Administration) grow to over US$ 6 bln. I’m delighted that the reputation