Egypt: CI Capital studies investment opportunity in non-banking financial sector

Egypt: CI Capital studies investment opportunity in non-banking financial sector

Egypt - CI Capital, a holding company for financial investments, is studying a new investment opportunity in the non-banking financial activities sector.

Mahmoud Atallah, Chairperson of CI Capital, said that the opportunity could be through establishment of a new entity or acquisition.

CI Capital launched this week the seventh edition of the annual MENA Investor Conference. On the sidelines of the conference, Atallah indicated that the merger plan between “CI Capital” and “Misr Capital” has been completed, and the latter represents a promising opportunity and supports the business model.

He added that most of the legal procedures have already been completed by Banque Misr, and the final details of the merger are being finalized.

He also stated that the conference witnessed a great turnout by investors, and a change in the exchange rate is possible in all countries that foreign investors plan to enter. There is no guarantee that it will not change, and the foreign investor prepares sufficient detailed studies before entering the target market.

He added that the problem of the Egyptian economy is on its way to a solution, with the need to control the inflation file during the coming period.

Hisham Gohar, CEO of CI Capital, said that the recovery of the