Egyptian research team reveals traces of life in Egypt 2M years ago – Egypttoday

Egyptian research team reveals traces of life in Egypt 2M years ago – Egypttoday

Examples of the stone Oldowan tools used along Egypt's Nile Valley 2 million years ago - ET

CAIRO - 27 July 2020: In a new Egyptian scientific finding, an Egyptian research team tracked the oldest human activity on Egyptian soil, and found it spans back to more than 2 million years.

This was revealed in the research that was recently published in the African Archeology magazine, an international peer-reviewed journal specializing in African archeology research.

The research was titled "The Oldowan in the Egyptian Nile Valley“. The research team consists of Professor of Archeology and History of the Ancient Near East, Faculty of Arts, Kuwait University Ahmed Saeed; Pre-history professor at the Faculty of Archeology, Cairo University Abul-Hassan Bakry; and Doa Sayed Ibrahim, researcher and specialist in prehistoric sciences at the Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.

The team was able to track archaeological evidence and stone tools to that early primitive stone industry in four locations in the Nile Valley and Wahat region in Egypt.

They also included in the research information about a set of primary tools that were collected during the work of previous missions from several other Egyptian sites and are now preserved in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.

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