Euromoney conference returns to Egypt on December 7

Euromoney conference returns to Egypt on December 7

Egypt - Euromoney is returning to Cairo on December 7, 2022 under the theme ‘Investing in Resilience and Sustainability,’ where industry experts will analyse Egypt’s economic performance in a global context and discuss its strategic options.

Dr Mostafa Madbouly, Prime Minister of Egypt will open the 25th edition of the Euromoney Egypt Conference. Dr Mohamed Maait, Minister of Finance, Government of Egypt will also be participating along with other high-profile local and international speakers.

Unparalleled insights

The conference will offer unparalleled insights and ask the questions:

•Can Egypt reach its ambitious destination – to become a truly diversified and open economy which leverages the strengths of its 100m people?

•What has the government changed in 2022 and what will it focus on in 2023?

•How will the nation balance stability with growth?

•The nation’s commitment to a sustainable future that is currently on show at COP27 in Sharm El Sheikh. How quickly can Egypt make its economy more sustainable, or will the geopolitical and supply side shocks of the last year slow the admirable drive of the government towards a greener Egypt?

Influential figures

This flagship will bring together the most influential figures from the Egyptian Government, finance and banking sector and the most exciting financial innovators to answer