Facebook is the most popular marketing channel for CEOs in Egypt in 2019, WhatsApp to blow up in 2021: Boost

Facebook is the most popular marketing channel for CEOs in Egypt in 2019, WhatsApp to blow up in 2021: Boost

64 percent of CEOs working in the Egyptian market see Facebook as the most popular marketing channel that companies invested in during 2019, followed by LinkedIn with 20 percent, and Instagram with only 12 percent, according to a recent survey conducted by Boost, a leading online marketing performance tracker.

The survey also showed that only 36 percent engaged Google in their marketing toolbox.

The survey was given to 312 CEOs and business leaders in nine sectors, including trade, industry, tourism, financial services, retail, real estate, marketing, auto, agriculture, consulting, education, manufacturing, NGO, logistics, and hospitality.

When asked about investing in Search Engine Optimization, only 40 percent of the responders answered that they do so, according to the survey.

As per the survey, most business leaders believe that Facebook