From jobs to finances, here’s how veterans can recover and even thrive during the Covid-19 crisis

From jobs to finances, here’s how veterans can recover and even thrive during the Covid-19 crisis

From jobs to finances, 's how veterans can recover and even thrive during the Covid-19 crisis. Hosted by CNBC correspondent Contessa Brewer , the forum gave an opportunity for several veterans to pose questions to financial and military experts.. The issues discussed ran from employment to retirement savings to buying a home.. More from Invest in You: Military families face housing limbo during Covid-19 crisis How veterans can offset the Covid financial hit that's threatening retirement 6 key financial strategies for life after military service. "Retirement might not look the way you thought it would but it is still possible to retire at some point in the future," Falcone said.. Like many other recent college graduates, he's looking for a job, as well as possible entrepreneurship opportunities.. "There are going to be a lot of job opportunities in these disruptive industries.". "As long as you are smart and hardworking and self-starting, you can really take a lot of the skills and experiences you had in the military and transition them to a variety of roles," she said.. For example, if you are not taking out a first-time loan, the fee is 3.6%.. Army Col. Gregory Gadson in