FTC Wants All Twitter Communications ‘Related To Elon Musk,’ GOP Report Finds

FTC Wants All Twitter Communications ‘Related To Elon Musk,’ GOP Report Finds

Share to Linkedin The Federal Trade Commission has asked Twitter to turn over troves of information on controversial moves made under Elon Musk's ownership according to a report by House Republicans, as the FTC investigates Twitter's handling of user data and compliance with a 2022 privacy settlement—a probe the GOP argues is overly broad and biased. The FTC has asked for a trove of internal Twitter documents related to changes made under CEO Elon ... [+] Musk, according to a Republican report. Among the requests are all internal communications "related to Elon Musk," details about the company's structure following thousands of layoffs and information about how Twitter decides who can access internal records, after several journalists took part in the release of the "Twitter Files"—selective bits of internal information claiming Twitter effectively censored conservatives before Musk took over. The FTC's letters also asked for information about Twitter's rollout of its revamped Twitter Blue subscription and a description of how the company now authenticates accounts, according to the GOP report. The FTC has sent a dozen letters to Twitter since Musk bought the company in the fall and is now concerned by what it calls a "troubling pattern of ongoing delay"