Inventory of funds, special accounts completed: Egypt’s Minister of Finance

Inventory of funds, special accounts completed: Egypt’s Minister of Finance

Egypt - Mohamed Maait, Minister of Finance, said that an inventory of funds, special accounts, and units of a special nature has been completed. Moreover, the ministry will legalize these funds as of next January to set unified regulations for similar activities, and ensure quality and wise management of public money.

In a statement by the Ministry of Finance, Wednesday, Mait said that the ministry continues to strengthen the financial governance of the state, whether in the expenditure or revenue procedures systems, in a manner that ensures the optimal use of public resources in accordance with Egypt’s 2030 vision.

It is also a target to improve the quality of life of citizens and the services provided to them by maximizing the efforts of public money protectors including managers and financial controllers in the administrative authorities.

He noted that public spending priorities have been rearranged, within the framework of the state’s plan to deal with the negative repercussions of the economic crisis and distributing unused allocations to the administrative authorities according to the actual needs.

He added that the ministry is also keen on resolving financial disputes between administrative agencies, liquidating government debts, collecting government dues, and developing new mechanisms for separating budget revenues, funds,