Korean Ambassador, South Sinai governor talk boosting people-to-people exchanges – Egypt Today

Korean Ambassador, South Sinai governor talk boosting people-to-people exchanges – Egypt Today

CAIRO - 15 June 2022: Ambassador of Republic of Korea to Egypt, Mr. Hong Jin-wook met with the Governor of South Sinai M.G. Khaled Fouda on Tuesday, and had a productive discussion on how to expand the already strong people-to-people exchanges between the two nations. Recognizing the strengthening of the bilateral relations between Egypt and the Republic of Korea at a speedy pace, thanks to the historic visit by President Abdel Fatah Al Sisi to the Republic of Korea in 2016, and most recently the visit of the former Korean President, Mr. Moon Jae in, to Egypt last January, they agreed to pursue bigger and closer exchanges between the people of the two countries to make the relationship more sustainable. They exchanged various ways to boost human exchanges such as: reopening of direct flights between our two nations, establishment of sister relationships between applicable Governorates and creating a so-called "One-stop service call center" for Korean travelers in need during their travels in South Sinai. Ambassador Hong will visit St. Catherine, Taba and Dahab for the following two days to check the security and safety measures for potential Korean tourists in the region.