ManageEngine shares top 5 predictions for enterprise IT space for 2024 – Egypt Today

ManageEngine shares top 5 predictions for enterprise IT space for 2024 – Egypt Today

Cairo – December 28, 2023: Technological development is often the result of aspiring to augment the experiences of its consumers. Over the past few years, this notion has only been reaffirmed, with tech powering users through lockdowns, recessions, and other crises.

The year has been transformational, with existing technologies and novel innovations revolutionizing the way organizations work. In 2024, enterprises will continue to embrace further updates to technological measures that design a better digital environment for everyone.

"Although the need to implement a digital-first experience has been constant, the ways by which it can be realized vary periodically. In 2024, we believe that your organization would benefit from a unified approach of deploying new tech and focusing on demanding aspects of business—such as privacy, LLMs, and orchestration," said Rajesh Ganesan, President at ManageEngine.


Privacy and AI governance will become a top business priority

Although 2023 has witnessed numerous regulations across geographies—including the EU's AI Act, the UAE's Data Protection Act, and India's Digital Personal Data Protection (DPDP) Act, -- these are indicators that a further inflow of similar policies is imminent. With AI being integrated into every aspect of business, disruptive technologies (such as deepfakes and augmented reality) threaten privacy and pose significant risks.