Pics: Coronavirus measures taken in Egypt’s New Administrative Capital – Egypttoday

Pics: Coronavirus measures taken in Egypt’s New Administrative Capital – Egypttoday

Pics: Coronavirus measures taken in Egypt's New Administrative Capital. All precautionary measures have been taken to ensure the safety of the workers in the different sites inside the city, including screening laborers, technicians and engineers before they enter their sites and maintaining social distancing, Amr Khattab, a housing ministry official, said.. Since the coronavirus has emerged in the northeastern African country, offices and restaurants are fully sterilized, Khattab said.. "I will pass by again, and if I do not see the measures applied, there will be a big problem," the president added before leaving the site.. Last week, Prime Minister Mustafa Madbouli gave a speech to announce measures to curb the spread of coronavirus, including extending curfew and the flight ban in the northeastern African country until April 23rd.. Video: Sisi inspects preventive measures against coronavirus in construction site. Egypt took scientific procedures to defeat coronavirus: China.