Sudan’s finance, foreign and energy ministers replaced in reshuffle – ZAWYA

Sudan’s finance, foreign and energy ministers replaced in reshuffle – ZAWYA

Sudan's finance, foreign and energy ministers replaced in reshuffle | ZAWYA MENA Edition HomeEconomyGlobalArticleSudan's finance, foreign and energy ministers replaced in reshuffle Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok also dismissed the health minister    CAIRO- Sudan's prime minister replaced the finance, foreign, energy and health ministers and three other senior cabinet post-holders on Thursday as part of a sweeping reshuffle, the government said.Authorities had said a reshuffle was coming, but few had expected the exit of Ibrahim al-Badawi, who as finance minister led efforts to steady Sudan's crisis-stricken economy and liaised with foreign donors.The government said transitional Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok had dismissed the health minister and accepted the resignation of Badawi and the others. It named interim replacements to lead all seven ministries.Authorities had said a reshuffle was coming, but few had expected the exit of Ibrahim al-Badawi, who as finance minister led efforts to steady Sudan's crisis-stricken economy and liaised with foreign donors.CAIRO- Sudan's prime minister replaced the finance, foreign, energy and health ministers and three other senior cabinet post-holders on Thursday as part of a sweeping reshuffle, the government said.The government said transitional Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok had dismissed the health minister and accepted the resignation of Badawi and