Trade exchange bet. Egypt, Germany reaches €5.1B in 2021 – Egypt Today

Trade exchange bet. Egypt, Germany reaches €5.1B in 2021 – Egypt Today

CAIRO - 14 November 2022: Trade exchange between Egypt and Germany amounted to about €5.1 billion during 2021, according to the Minister of Trade Ahmed Samir.

Samir stated that German investments in Egypt amounted to about $2.9 billion until the end of April 2022.

He pointed to the government's keenness to attract more German investments to the Egyptian market in the sectors of the automotive industry, energy, waste management and recycling, and digital transformation.

For his part, Germany’s Parliamentary State Secretary at the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action, Stefan Wenzel, affirmed that his country is keen on developing and developing joint economic relations with Egypt, especially in light of the distinguished historical relations that bind the two countries.

Wenzel pointed to the great interest that German companies attach to the Egyptian market, as it is one of the most important markets in the Middle East and Africa.

He praised the efforts made by the Egyptian government during the current stage to find solutions to the challenges facing companies investing in the Egyptian market, pointing to the existing cooperation between the two sides in the field of green projects and new and renewable energy.