2 Simple Ways To Beat Inflation And Lock In 7.8% Dividends

2 Simple Ways To Beat Inflation And Lock In 7.8% Dividends

The retirement-income battle never ends! Last summer, we watched cautiously for the next dividend cut. This summer, we're tracking inflation. No matter the worry, we can apply my "2-step retirement income plan." It's designed to keep inflation, another virus wave or pretty well any other calamity from impacting our dividend streams. First, though, we can "thank" Jay Powell and his runaway money printer for our sleepless nights. You can't tell me that goosing the money supply by 30% in a little more than a year doesn't have something to do with rising prices! And retirees"”the folks with the least amount of wiggle room in their monthly income"”are taking the brunt. If you're retired, or near retirement, you've probably noticed that some of the things you need the most have seen their prices spike. Hoping to visit the grandkids this summer? The price of airline tickets jumped 7% in May from a year ago. Forget driving"”gas prices are up 56%! And heaven help you if you want to buy a used car: stickers on second-hand rides have spiked 30%. Other everyday things haven't been exempt, either: electricity is up 4%. Even the cost of new clothes has risen 6%. You're no