5 things to know before the stock market opens Thursday

5 things to know before the stock market opens Thursday

1. Wall Street looks steady, a day after swinging to rally mode rose modestly Thursday, with a second round of cease-fire talks between Russia and Ukraine set in neighboring Belarus. However, fighting continued on multiple fronts in Ukraine as Russian troops hold outside the capital city of Kyiv. after Wednesday's big jump, while oil prices show no signs of cooling off Thursday. 2. Oil hits nearly 14-year highs; bond yields remain elevated , the American oil benchmark, rose again Thursday, above $116 per barrel before backing off those levels. Trade disruptions from sanctions on Russia were raising energy supply concerns. The world's three largest container shipping lines nonessential bookings to and from Russia, joining a fast-growing list of companies to shun Moscow. traded around 1.86% on Thursday, a day after its since March 2020 — the month the started — as investors sold bonds and flocked to stocks and other risker assets. The volatility on Russia-Ukraine uncertainty sent bond prices higher Tuesday, which inversely sent the 10-year yield below 1.7%. 3. Day 2 for Fed's Powell on Capitol Hill after more jobs data The Federal Reserve's meeting later this month, when interest rate hikes are expected to begin, will need