Awkward Moment Between Paris Hilton And Jimmy Fallon Shows The Absurdity Of NFTs

Awkward Moment Between Paris Hilton And Jimmy Fallon Shows The Absurdity Of NFTs

Few fads have caught the attention of the rich and famous like NFTs; aside from the notable exception of Keanu Reeves, multiple celebrities have leaped into the weird world of non-fungible tokens with dollar signs in their eyes. NFTs function a bit like digital receipts, with proof of ownership verified by blockchain technology, burning an agonizing amount of energy in the process; while said proof cannot be "stolen," the artwork itself remains infinitely replicable, just like any other image uploaded to the internet (if you're still scratching your head over this arcane technology, check out this excellent explainer, "Line Goes Up," by YouTuber Dan Olson). A clip from Paris Hilton's recent appearance on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, intended to promote NFTs, recently went viral online, but not for the reason Hilton and Fallon intended. The clip shows the two sharing an awkward discussion about their foray into the NFT marketplace, their stilted enthusiasm impossible to ignore. The clip almost seems designed to highlight the existence of the "applause" sign, as the two celebrities show off their investments, and inspire a moment of awkward silence, followed by a grudging succession of claps from the audience. Both Hilton and Fallon