Fed Meeting Starts, Meme Stocks Melt, IEA Cuts Forecasts – What’s Moving Markets By Investing.com – Investing.com

Fed Meeting Starts, Meme Stocks Melt, IEA Cuts Forecasts – What’s Moving Markets By Investing.com – Investing.com

By Geoffrey Smith 

Investing.com -- The Federal Reserve starts a two-day meeting that's expected to end in an accelerated move to tighten monetary policy. U.S. producer price data for November may help show why. Meme stocks and crypto comes under pressure as the end of the era of free money approaches. Central bank rate hikes are also expected in Latin America and emerging Europe, while crazy European energy markets are making it harder for the ECB to keep its composure when it meets on Thursday. And the International Energy Agency sees a sharp drop in global oil demand in the first quarter of next year. Here's what you need to know in financial markets on Tuesday, 14th Decmber.

1. Fed starts meeting; PPI due