How To Buy (And Sell) Dividend Stocks For Fast 102% Returns

How To Buy (And Sell) Dividend Stocks For Fast 102% Returns

Sad senior woman sitting at table "I have no clue what to do," said a friend recently over backyard beers. "On the one hand, stocks are still rising. On the other, everything is pricey." I know you're feeling my buddy's pain“”I get similar sentiments from readers of my Contrarian Income Report service all the time. The last few weeks of wild swings sure don't help. No doubt your finger has hovered over the buy button but you've hesitated, worrying you're getting in at the top. That's understandable: no one wants to be the last buyer in a bull market! Let the Market's "Fear Indicator" Guide You to Big Gains (and Dividends) The solution to this dilemma is a strategy only a contrarian could love“”we're going to navigate by the VIX“”the market's so-called "fear indicator." You've probably seen the VIX on financial news sites. It's a barometer of how options traders see market volatility playing out over the next 30 days. It's pretty simple: VIX up, stormy weather ahead; VIX down, calm seas. Here's the thing, though: Most people take this literally, buying as the VIX falls (and sentiment calms down) and selling as it (and panic) rises. Too bad this