Is This Stock A Better Pick Over ConocoPhillips?

Is This Stock A Better Pick Over ConocoPhillips?

The shares of ConocoPhillips (NYSE: COP) and Marathon Oil (NYSE: MRO) currently trade more than 50% above pre-Covid levels largely due to high benchmark prices and expectations of crude oil supply shortages from the Russia-Ukraine war. Both companies are involved in independent exploration and production business with operations in the U. S., Canada, Europe, and Africa. As the finances of oil companies depend on benchmark prices, the recent surge is assisted by strong domestic demand, a recovery in the transportation sector, and broader macroeconomic risks. While both companies have reported comparable revenue growth and financial leverage metrics, Trefis believes that Marathon Oil is a better pick due to higher profitability. We compare a slew of factors such as historical revenue growth, returns, and valuation multiple in an interactive dashboard analysis, ConocoPhillips vs. Marathon Oil: Industry Competitors, But Marathon Oil Is A Better Bet ConocoPhillips' growth was comparable to Marathon Oil before the pandemic, with COP's revenues expanding at an average rate of 11% p. a. from $23. 6 billion in 2016 to $32. 5 billion in 2019. Marathon Oil's revenues also reported an 11% average growth rate from $3. 8 billion in 2016 to $5. 2 billion in 2019. After