These 3 Monthly Dividends Will Soar In 2022

These 3 Monthly Dividends Will Soar In 2022

Monthly Budget Plan for Expenses and Money The crowd is about to pile into monthly dividend stocks, and we're going to beat them to it with three of the best of them—and grab ourselves hefty yields up to 6. 5%, too. The three monthly payers we cover below will be very appealing to folks who are getting shaken down as the S&P 500—and especially the tech-heavy NASDAQ—crumble. Dividends—even monthly ones—normally get a collective yawn from investors in bullish times. But they'll be darlings this year as Jay Powell switches off his money printer to try to clean up an inflation mess of his own making. Meantime, "regular" stocks and Treasuries still dribble out sorry payouts way south of 2%. And if our "NASDAQ refugees" sit in cash, they know full well they'll be sitting right in inflation's tracks! But with monthly dividends, they can grab inflation-offsetting payouts that roll in every 30 (or 31) days. That's a huge plus in any market because if you don't need the cash to pay your bills, you can reinvest it fast, bulking up your holdings (and your income stream) as you do. With the three tickers below, we'll be in well ahead of