Austrian Ambassador opens exhibition r e d u c e – Roya News English

Austrian Ambassador opens exhibition r e d u c e – Roya News English

Dr. Oskar Wüstinger, Austrian Ambassador to Jordan, hosted the opening reception of the photography exhibition "r e d u c e – r e u s e – r e c y c l e" in company of the artist, Ms. Ulrike Koeb. The exhibition is part of the 10th edition of the Image Festival Amman, organized by Darat Al Tasweer, as well as of the European Environment Week.

Shown at the National Gallery of Fine Arts for the whole month of September, Ms. Koeb’s photographs present a unique meeting point at the nexus between art and environmental awareness. "r e d u c e – r e u s e – r e c y c l e" is a composition of selected works, which show waste and everyday objects arranged aesthetically and harmoniously in color to attract the viewer’s attention. The appealing images are a vivid reminder on how carelessly everyday items are thrown away and how waste is occupying our spaces unnoticedly. Climate change being one of today’s most threatening crises, the exhibition refers to the global waste problem and stimulates thought about consumption patterns. With her visual art, Ms. Koeb thus advocates for a regenerative system