How MENACOM Jordan is turning big Data into bigger opportunities? – Roya News English

How MENACOM Jordan is turning big Data into bigger opportunities? – Roya News English

It’s no secret that big data is big business: for years, companies and organizations across the globe have been steadily increasing their investments in high-quality data and analytics. And this trend shows no signs of abating: in a recent study by EY, 93 percent of companies claimed that they plan to continue building on their investments in analytics and data.

The potential for data to drive better business decisions is enormous: in addition to offering insights into market trends, helping companies optimize their operations on all levels, and providing glimpses into competitors’ operations, data can also help businesses target customers in a much more intelligent, personalized manner. Essentially, the potential of data is limited only by the ingenuity of how it’s used.

And that’s where things get tricky: how do you effectively capitalize on the resources you’re investing in? For MENACOM Jordan, the task of transforming data into action has been driving considerable growth and innovation across each of the group’s six integrated communication agencies—and reaping major benefits and clear, quantifiable outcomes for the group’s clients.