Jordan condemns stomping on Holy Quran in Stockholm – Roya News English

Jordan condemns stomping on Holy Quran in Stockholm – Roya News English

Jordan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates expressed strong condemnation regarding an incident in Stockholm, Sweden, where a copy of the Holy Quran was torn. The Swedish authorities were criticized for permitting such an act, which was deemed reckless and contributing to the spread of hatred and Islamophobia, inciting violence, and showing disrespect towards religions.

The Ministry emphasized, in a statement, the importance of respecting religious symbols and urged an end to any actions or behaviors that promote discrimination and animosity.

The statement added that allowing such extremists to attack the Holy Quran was deemed unacceptable, as it fosters division and poses a threat to peaceful coexistence. It was stressed that this kind of behavior cannot be justified as freedom of expression, and a warning was issued against permitting any further irresponsible actions of this nature.