King meets Spain monarch in Madrid

King meets Spain monarch in Madrid

Ammon News - His Majesty King Abdullah on Monday reiterated Jordan’s keenness on working with Spain, through its upcoming European Union presidency, to help create a political horizon that would preserve the prospects of just and lasting peace, for the Palestinians and the Israelis..

At a meeting with King Felipe VI of Spain in Madrid, attended by Her Majesty Queen Rania Al Abdullah and Queen Letizia, King Abdullah said, "Our joint commitment to peace is evident in supporting the two-state solution as the path forward in resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict".

His Majesty noted in the meeting, attended by His Royal Highness Prince Hashem bin Abdullah II, that peace on the basis of the two-state solution is key to ensuring peace and prosperity in the entire region, and beyond.

"We will continue working with Spain to resolve the crises facing our wider Euro-Mediterranean region, out of our shared belief that dialogue and cooperation must be the way forward for mutual progress", the King added.

In addition, His Majesty said Jordan and Spain are taking an important step in building partnerships, out of the realisation that "the only way forward is together. We cannot overcome the multitude of challenges facing our world alone".

The King added