Abbas Delivers Palestine’s Official Request for Full UN Membership to Sec-Gen

Abbas Delivers Palestine’s Official Request for Full UN Membership to Sec-Gen

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has submitted to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres an official request to implement Resolution 181 adopted by the General Assembly in 1947, which is the basis for the two-state solution.

Abbas informed world leaders and senior officials participating in the high-level meeting of the 77th annual session of the United Nations General Assembly of his talks with Guterres.

Abbas said that US President Joe Biden, Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid, and other world leaders' positions favor the two-state solution as a "positive matter."

However, "the real test of the seriousness and credibility of this position is for the Israeli government to sit down at the negotiating table immediately, to implement the two-state solution," added Abbas.

He recalled that Israel's commitment to implement Resolutions 181 and 194 was a condition for the acceptance of its membership in the international organization, asking in the event of Israel's refusal to comply and the failure to implement these two resolutions, "to impose sanctions on it and suspend its membership in the international organization."

The President added, "We do not accept that we remain the only party that adheres to the agreements we signed with Israel in 1993, agreements that no longer exist on the ground due