Barbados declared a republic

Barbados declared a republic

BRIDGETOWN: The Caribbean island nation of Barbados has sever centuries-old ties to the British monarchy, ditching Queen Elizabeth II as head of state and declaring itself the world’s newest republic. The Royal Standard flag that represents the queen will be lowered in the capital Bridgetown and – at midnight – the current governor-general, Dame Sandra Mason, will be inaugurated as the first president.

Prince Charles, heir to the British throne, will attend the “Pride of Nationhood” ceremony, which is set to include military parades, a mounted guard of honor, gun salutes, dances and fireworks. The new era for Barbados has fueled debate among the population of 285,000 over colonialism and Britain’s centuries of influence, including more than 200 years of slavery until 1834.

And Prince Charles’ visit was clouded at the last minute by another race row over alleged comments about his grandson. Charles’ youngest son Prince Harry and his wife Meghan – who has a black mother and a white father – have said an unnamed royal asked how dark their unborn first child’s skin would be. After a new book reportedly claimed that Charles was responsible, his spokesman said that “this is fiction and not worth further comment.”

Colonialism and slavery
