Boursa Kuwait Rings the Bell for Financial Literacy during “World Investor Week”

Boursa Kuwait Rings the Bell for Financial Literacy during “World Investor Week”

KUWAIT: Boursa Kuwait rang the bell for the second consecutive year for financial literacy during “World Investor Week”, in an effort to raise awareness of the importance and necessity of financial literacy and its impact on life, in collaboration with INJAZ Kuwait and the CFA Society Kuwait.

World Investor Week is a global campaign promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO), in collaboration with the World Federation of Exchanges (WFE), to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection, and to highlight the various initiatives taken on by securities regulators, in relation to these two key pillars. The 2022 edition will mark the sixth year for this campaign, which saw the participation of over 100 exchanges and eleven international institutions. This year, “World Investor Week will run from Monday, 3 October to Sunday 9 October 2022, with its themes centered on investor resilience and sustainable finance.

In commemoration of this week, Boursa Kuwait, in collaboration with the CFA Society Kuwait, recorded a podcast talking about financial literacy and organized a seminar about the future of risk and the challenges this sector might face in the coming years.

Commenting on this initiative, Mr. Mohammad Saud Al-Osaimi, Boursa Kuwait’s Chief Executive