Kuwait Business: Markaz golden sponsor of distinguished students’ ceremony – Gulf Digital News

Kuwait Business: Markaz golden sponsor of distinguished students’ ceremony – Gulf Digital News

Kuwait Financial Centre (Markaz) has sponsored the Engineering and Petroleum honorary ceremony for overachieving students, organised by the Society of Engineering and Petroleum.

Markaz’s sponsorship of this ceremony falls in line with its strong belief in supporting human capacities and encouraging youth to make a continuous effort to develop both their academic and practical skills.

Representing Markaz was Managing Director, Wealth Management and Business Development at Markaz, Abdullatif Al Nusif, who said: “This falls in line with a key pillar of our corporate social responsibility strategy, Building Human Capacitates, and reinforces our support to Kuwait’s youth and their capabilities across multiple areas, in an effort to create a sustainable future. We strongly believe that empowering youth can only be achieved by equipping them with the appropriate academic skills, to ensure they can face the challenges along the way.”

Real investment

“Distinguished students are the nation’s real investment, and their relentless efforts are setting the bar for the standards around which communities will be built, especially in the field of engineering and petroleum; which has a vital impact on the national economy. That said, applying and further developing what they’ve learned throughout their years of education, in line with international standards, is a responsibility they