Kuwait Fund and UNDP team up to support solid-waste management in Lebanon

  • Date: 27-Jul-2021
  • Source: National News Agency - Lebanon
  • Sector:Financial Markets
  • Country:Kuwait
  • Who else needs to know?

Kuwait Fund and UNDP team up to support solid-waste management in Lebanon

NNA - The Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development (KFAED) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) signed today a new agreement to expand support for the environment and local communities in Lebanon.

The agreement outlines the Kuwait Fund's commitment to provide $2.5 million support to UNDP Lebanon efforts to strengthen solid waste management, as a means of improving environmental, health and social outcomes at local levels across the country. Solid waste management is a key pillar of public health and environmental sustainability in Lebanon, and supports social stability.

Entitled ‘Stabilisation through Solid Waste Management Projects in Lebanon,' the agreement between Kuwait Fund and UNDP will seek to address the mounting waste management challenges faced by the country, with the establishment of a new solid waste management facility, and the environmentally sound closure of an illegal dumpsite which has been linked to environmental and health hazards.